Master Lead Generation: Essential Courses for Recruiters
Generate a steady stream of qualified leads & skyrocket your recruitment success! NL Academy's lead generation courses cover everything from basic prospecting to advanced nurturing tactics. Enroll now & unlock your recruiting potential!
Lead Generation Training
New business development and a steady flow of prospective client conversations are the lifeblood of a thriving search firm. This course will take you step-by-step through the best practices of establishing and running a quality Candidate and Client Development RepresentativeĀ workflow.Ā 8 modules, 6-hour program.
Hiring & Implementing a Lead Generator
This course helps a search firm owner or practice leader find, hire, train, and implement effective business development professionals whoĀ will put a recruiter on the phone more often. This course will have your Candidate and Client Development Representative up and running within three weeks. 5 modules, 4-hour program.